The track was recorded at Anidroc Studios and the video for the song was produced by Anidroc Film for Lejla Maltija. This is an A.M.P. production. All rights reserved.
Below is some information about the track, the story behind it, the lyrics, and the track itself on sound cloud. Finally there is information and pictures about the making and filming of the video and the video itself.
L'Aħħar Sajda is the classical story of the Old Man and the Sea, where the fisherman meets his fate. The title of the song means 'The Last Fishing' trip. Alas, although this is not based on a true story, it is inspired by many such accounts from the history of fishermen around the island, especially in Marsaxlokk which is Malta's largest fishing village, even to the present day. The seas around Malta are beautiful and calm, but the islanders all know that the sea has a soft belly but a hard headed stomach. 'Zaqqu ratba imma rash iebsa', so they say. Here are the lyrics with as faithful a translation as possible in English.
L’Aħħar Sajda
Lejla Maltija
Kliem (lyrics) : Mario Cordina
Għajnejn il-luzzu lemħu fil-baħar,
Il-konżijiet lesti għall-kalar,
Imma is-sajjied kollhu sabar,
Jaqra il-ħin maż-żifna tal-qamar.
The eyes of the luzzu, glimpsed on the sea (the Maltese luzzu a traditional fishing boat always is embellished with an eye on either end of the prow, a custom hailing from Malta's Phoenician and pagan past.)
The konzijiet (gill nets or seines) ready for hauling,
But the fisherman is all patience,
He reads the time in the dance of the moon.
Jaf li bil-lejl tiċċassa il-lampuka,
Araħ irejjex mal-kanniżżata.
Hekk kif titkala ix-xibka,
Il-kurtuni jintlew xalata.
He knows that the lampuka (dolphin fish) stares at night, (is less lively at night.)
See him feathering next to the kannizata, (using the feather to skim the surface. This is a method used by fishermen to lure the dolphin fish. The kannizata is a bait assembly common amongst Maltese fishermen.)
As soon as the net is pulled up,
See the kurtuni fill up with the feast. (The kurtuni are special wooden canals built both to support the hull and to hold the fish.)
Terġa tkala u terfa,
Il-ħut jaqbeż, jaqbeż, jitfarfar.
Itfa ix-xibka u irranġa,
Il-ħut jaqbeż, jaqbeż, jitfarfar.
Imma kollox għalxejn.
Once again you haul and you lift,
The fish jumps, jumps and wriggles.
Throw back the net and arrange it properly.
The fish jumps, jumps and wriggles.
But it all is in vain.
Tela il-mewġ, jonfoħ ir-riħ,
Il-luzzu sabet il-qiegħ.
L-aħħar sajda misset ix-xiħ,
Fl’ aħħar is-sajjied sab il-mistrieħ.
L’aħħar sajda, l’ahhar sajda,
Fl’ aħħar is-sajjied sab il-mistrieħ.
The waves rose, the wind blew,
The luzzu found the bottom (of the sea)
The fisherman found his fate on this last fishing trip,
This last fishing trip, this last fishing trip.
At last the fisherman found peace / rest.
Qalb il-paġell, il-gambli u iċ-ċeren
Id-dott u ‘l mazzola il-luzzu tistkenn.
Ħaru ix-Xlukkajri, imniktin,
Ifittxu is-sajjied li ħadhu il-bambin.
Amongst the pagell (common pandora fish), the gambli (shrimps) and ceren (dusky grouper fish)
Id-dott (grouper fish), and the mazzola (piked dogfish) the luzzu is sheltered.
The Xlukkajri (local people of Marsaxlokk), ran out in grief,
Looking for the fisherman that God (Little Jesus) had taken away.
Tela il-mewġ, jonfoħ ir-riħ,
Il-luzzu sabet il-qiegħ.
L-aħħar sajda misset ix-xiħ,
Fl’ aħħar is-sajjied sab il-mistrieħ.
L’aħħar sajda, l’ahhar sajda,
Fl’ aħħar is-sajjied sab il-mistrieħ.
The waves rose, the wind blew,
The luzzu found the bottom (of the sea)
The fisherman found his fate on this last fishing trip,
This last fishing trip, this last fishing trip.
At last the fisherman found peace / rest.
Id-dgħajsa li ħarget tfittxu,
Taqbeż, taqbeż titfarfar,
Imma kollox għalxejn.
The dghajsa (another type of Maltese boat) that went out to look for him,
It jumps and jumps and wriggles,
But it all is in vain,
In vain.
Now you can listen to L'Aħħar Sajda on the link below
The video for L'Aħħar Sajda below, is available on youtube and was filmed in Marsaxlokk Malta and the National Aquarium in Bugibba Malta by Anidroc Film for Lejla Maltija.
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